A new program seeking initial accreditation is located at an institution with one or more nursing programs that are already CCNE-accredited. A new program is the addition of a program at a different degree or certificate level than the already accredited program(s) at the institution. To inform CCNE of the need to add a new program for a future on-site evaluation for initial accreditation, a letter of intent and new program fee payment must be submitted concurrently. The letter must include the type of program seeking initial accreditation, the start date of the program (i.e., when students/residents enrolled), and the cycle during which the institution would like to host an on-site evaluation (e.g., Fall 2021). All on-site evaluations must be scheduled at least a year in advance of the accreditation term in which the program wishes to host, and students/residents must be enrolled in the program for the equivalent of one academic year prior to the institution hosting an on-site evaluation.
Please note that CCNE cannot complete the request of scheduling an on-site evaluation without receiving the letter of intent and new program fee payment described above.
Letters of intent must be emailed as a PDF document to applicants@ccneaccreditation.org.
For information about the new program fee, including amount, please see the section above on fees. If you require an invoice, please contact ccneinvoice@ccneaccreditation.org. There are instructions on how to submit a new program payment available.