Career Center Frequently Asked Questions


How do I get the member price?
Only AACN Member Schools receive the member price. This includes deans, directors, faculty, and administrative staff at the college or school of nursing. The member must log in to MyAACN and be associated with the member school in order to receive the discount. Third parties or job firms/headhunters posting on behalf of a member school are not eligible for the member discount. If you are a member and do not see the member price of $350, $600, or $900 please contact us via email.  

What is my login information? 
Your login information is your institution email address. If you cannot remember your password, you can retrieve your password here. If you are still having trouble logging in you can email or call us at 202-463-6930.

Is there a space limit per ad? 
There is a 3,000 character limit, including spacing. 

Can I access my old ad postings?
No, once your job posting has expired, you will no longer be able to access it via the website. 

Is the ad placed online right away? 
Yes. Once you submit your ad and pay by credit card, the ad is posted immediately unless you selected a later date for posting. 

I am not a member but someone in my office is. Can I use their login?
Yes, or you can create a MyAACN account using your institution email (for example,

Is there a blind box? 
Blind box replies are automatic; once posted, the ad will have an “Apply” button beneath it. All replies will be emailed to the e-mail address you enter when posting the ad (does not have to be the email associated with the member’s account you are using). The applicant will not see the email address their reply is being sent to or the company name if you do not put it in the text of the ad. 

Is there a way to remove the “Apply” button? 
No. If you would prefer people to apply through your website, please state that in the text of the ad, including the website they should apply via. 

Can I place an ad for less than 30 days? 
Yes, you may take the ad down early but our minimum charge is for one full month so you will not receive a refund. 

How do the Bulk Ad Packages work?
These ads can be used over the course of one calendar year. For your convenience, the purchaser of the package can add other members from their institution to the ad package, so that they can also benefit from the package. Ad packages can be used and managed from a user's My Job Postings. Once the ads are used, the package disappears, and users are welcome to purchase again.

Users are still able to purchase single Career Center ads in order to take advantage of different contract lengths/add-ons. When purchasing an ad from Post an Ad, click Package Ad Purchase in order to either purchase an Ad Package if you do not have one, or to utilize your package to post an ad. Click Single Ad Purchase if you do not want to use the package, and you would like to take advantage of our different contract lengths and add-on options.

Can I edit the ad once it is up? 
To make any changes, log into the website and go the membership dashboard. Look under the heading “Career Center” and “View My Job Postings”. Click on the edit button of the ad you would like to change. Make sure to update your changes at the bottom of the page by clicking the "Update Ad."

How do I take it down early or temporarily take it down? 
To take the ad off of th Career Center web page,  go the membership dashboard. Look under the heading “Career Center” and “View My Job Postings”. Click on the edit button of the ad. Then click on the check box for "Job Posting is Active". When unchecked, your ad will not be displaying on the Career Center. Make sure to update your changes at the bottom of the page by clicking the "Update Ad". Please note, once an ad has expired, you can no longer access it or the applications associated with it via the website. 

How do I renew my ad?
Log into your My AACN Dashboard go to Career Center > View My Job Postings > Renew Listing

Your ad details and text will automatically populate. You will have the option to update your billing and payment information. Once that is finalized scroll to the bottom of the page and click Renew Ad Listing

Where do I go to get a copy of my receipt/invoice?
Visit your dashboard and click on “Transaction History” underneath “My Account”. All receipts will be listed here. 

Why is my credit card being declined? 
Please double check that the billing address you have entered matches the credit card’s actual billing address. If you are signed into the website as someone else, during the check-out process you will be able to enter in a different billing address if needed. 

When I try to complete the purchase, it sends me back to the log-in screen and I don’t get a confirmation, did it work?
Most likely not, as the ads are posted immediately and would show up on the website if it went through. Since it is most likely your browser that is the problem, you will need to download the most recent version and try again. 

Why can’t I see the full ad?
You most likely went over the 3000 character limit. Please double check your character count (including spacing) in a Word document or some other word processing program before pasting your text into the ad box. There is also a character countdown at the bottom of the text box to help you monitor how much space you have remaining. 

You do not need to be a member of AACN to post an ad, but you do need to create a website login via My AACN. 

All ads must be paid for with a credit card online by the job poster before the ad is posted. Being invoiced and/or paying by check or cash is not an option. 

AACN staff CANNOT place ads on behalf of posters; this is a self-service website only. Please double check that you are being charged the correct amount before completing the transaction.

Advertisements are non-refundable. All sales are final. See below for more information:

  • Package Expiration: The ad package expires after 12 months from date of purchase.  For example, if a package is purchased on April 1, 2024, the package will expire on April 1, 2025. No automatic renewal occurs.
  • Unused Ads within Packages: No refunds or credits will be issued for unused portions of the ad package at the time of expiration.
  • Overlapping Purchases: If additional ads are purchased while unused ads remain, no refunds or credits will be issued for the overlapping purchase. All sales are final. 

All advertisements are subject to AACN approval. AACN reserves the right to reject any advertisement and to edit ad copy to conform to Career Center format. Positioning of advertisements is at AACN's discretion. Rates are subject to change upon notice. Cancellations or changes in orders must be made in writing and be received by AACN on or before the closing date.

The publication of any advertisement by AACN is not an endorsement of the advertiser.

AACN promotes equal employment opportunity as required by law, and accepts only advertisements that are not discriminatory on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, sexual orientation, veteran status, or for any other reason not related to individual merit.

Career Center advertisements are not commissionable.