AACN Essentials

The Essentials

Welcome to the Essentials

Used to define quality in nursing education, the AACN Essentials outline the necessary curriculum content and expected competencies of graduates from baccalaureate, master’s, and Doctor of Nursing Practice programs.  AACN is dedicated to providing resources and support to facilitate this shift in nursing education. Whether you're an educator, student, or healthcare professional, explore this microsite to stay informed and engaged as we shape the future of nursing education together.

Virtual Vendor Showcase

Don't Miss AACN's Next Vendor Showcase!

As your school continues to evolve its nursing programs and transition to competency-based education, we want to ensure you stay abreast of the latest tools and services to enhance your school's Essentials implementation efforts. This event is specifically designed for AACN member deans, faculty, and administrators who are considering innovative technology solutions to elevate your curriculum and streamline program administration. Register now for the next virtual showcase, which will be held on Tuesday, October 1 at 10:00 am (ET).

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Essentials Tool Kit

Essentials Tool Kit

Guides & Talking Points

Guides & Talking Points

Webinars & Workshops

Webinars & Workshops

Download & Order Essentials

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Latest Updates & Resources

Consider the AACN Essentials through the Integrative Lens of Caring Science

September 11, 2024
On Wednesday, October 2, from 2:00-3:00 pm (ET), AACN will present a webinar on Unifying Caring Science and the AACN Essentials featuring distinguished presenters Jean Watson, Sara Horton-Deutsch, and Danny Willis. Championed by Dr. Watson, Caring Science provides an ethical, humanistic, and heart-centered educational guide for the future of nursing. The presentation will explore a visionary partnership model between healthcare organizations and academic institutions focused on integrating the AACN Essentials within the broader context of Caring Science and the nursing discipline. This integration aims to elevate the standards of nursing education, preparing a new generation of nurses with a deeper understanding of the caring, healing, and compassionate aspects of the profession.

Explore Solutions at AACN’s Upcoming Vendor Showcase

September 4, 2024
On October 1 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm (ET), AACN will hold its next virtual Vendor Showcase to spotlight services and tools available to assist member nursing schools with meeting essential needs. This event is designed for deans, faculty, and staff who are considering innovative technology solutions to elevate their curriculum and streamline program administration. With a variety of companies featured, vendors will share details about their services to assist with experiential learning, competency tracking, curriculum mapping, simulation, learning assessment, and/or other needs. The event is free to members, and registration is now open.

Note: AACN does not endorse any specific company, product, or service.

Register Now for a Regional Faculty Development Workshop Focused on CBE

August 28, 2024
AACN is hosting two types of regional workshops this fall for faculty seeking strategies, resources, and solutions to meeting the 2021 Essentials and transitioning to competency-based education (CBE). The first workshop, titled Essentializing Your Curriculum: Moving Forward with Competency-Based Education, will show faculty how to apply backward design to adapt curriculum with a stronger focus on performance-based learning and assessment. Tips for using AI to develop progression indicators will be shared. Workshops are planned for September 27 in St. Louis, MO and November 8 in Denver, CO. For complete details and to register, click here.

AACN is also introducing a new workshop, titled Unlocking the Power of Simulation - Coach for Competency, on December 3-4 in New Orleans, just prior to the Transform 2024 conference. Faculty will explore how to adapt instructional strategies through experiential learning using various forms of simulation in the lab, classroom, and clinical setting. Participants will learn how to take their coaching and debriefing techniques to the next level using simulation. Register now, space is limited and expected to reach maximum capacity.

Upcoming Webinar: Strategies for Scaffolding Competency Development Across the Curriculum

August 21, 2024
On Wednesday, September 4 from 2:00-3:00 pm (ET), AACN is presenting a faculty webinar titled Strategies for Scaffolding Competency Development Across the Curriculum. Join Dr. Gerry Altmiller, a national expert on competency-based nursing education, who will demonstrate approaches for scaffolding competency development across the curriculum and share strategies for implementing systematic processes that will support schools in making incremental advances on their Essentials journey.

Be the Essentials Champion for Your School of Nursing

August 14, 2024
AACN is asking each member school dean to identify one lead faculty member to serve as an Essentials Champion. This individual will be your school’s central point of contact and communication liaison who will have access to a new network of leaders engaged in Essentials implementation. Champions are encouraged to share updates and information with administrative staff, faculty, practice partners, and students as well as identify issues, ask questions, and share ideas during virtual Q&A sessions held each quarter with AACN staff leaders. Fill out a short online form to designate your Essentials Champion. Please direct any questions to essentials@aacnnursing.org.

New Essentials Webinar: Achieving the Essentials Nursing Competencies with Immersive VR

July 31, 2024
On Monday, August 12, from 2:00-3:00 pm (ET), AACN is presenting a webinar titled Achieving the Essentials Nursing Competencies with Immersive VR. Join Dr. Cynthia Bradley and Dr. Michelle Aebersold to explore the benefits of immersive virtual reality (IVR) as a powerful medium for enhancing educational experiences in the health sciences. This cutting-edge technology enables students to practice patient care within a safe, controlled, and highly realistic setting, without the need for the extensive resources required for in-person simulations. This presentation aims to assess the potential of IVR, describe essential concepts, and provide guidance on effectively integrating immersive VR technology into educational curricula.

Unlocking the Power of Simulation - Coach for Competency

July 24, 2024
AACN is pleased to announce a new faculty development workshop for those engaged in the transition to competency-based education (CBE). Scheduled for December 3-4 as a pre-conference to Transform 2024 in New Orleans, Unlocking the Power of Simulation - Coach for Competency will show faculty how to adapt instructional strategies through experiential learning using various forms of simulation in the lab, classroom, and clinical setting. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the potential of experiential learning to preparing highly competent nurses able to provide quality and safe patient care.

Ask the Experts: Explore AACN’s Essentials Coaching Program

July 10, 2024
Does your school of nursing need guidance on how to adapt your curriculum to align with the 2021 Essentials and transition to competency-based education? AACN’s Essentials Coaching Program is here to help! Offered on a contract-basis, this program provides expert coaches on request to help meet institution-specific needs for schools at all stages of Essentials implementation. 

Peer Reviewers Needed to Assess Essentials Teaching Resources

July 3, 2024
AACN is currently seeking peer reviewers to evaluate the learning and assessment strategies submitted for inclusion in the Essentials Teaching Resource Database. Home to nearly 100 peer-reviewed classroom resources, the database is a valuable tool for those looking to align curriculum with the 10 Domains and 8 Concepts identified in the 2021 Essentials. Faculty use the database to find recommended learning and assessment strategies, potential courses, and related tools and readings to assist with meeting today’s competency standards and transitioning to competency-based education. Those interested in serving as peer reviewers are encouraged to contact essentials@aacnnursing.org for more information.

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