Fellowship opportunities in public health interest areas are available with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the AACN Public Health Fellowship Program. Fellows will learn in the area of population health and gain hands-on experiences at the community level to enhance their preparation for professional practice.
2021-2022 Fellow:

Eunhea You RN, PhD
Sponsoring CDC CIO: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Fellowship Title: Design, Evaluation, and Project Management of the Immunization for Undergraduate Nursing (IRUN) project.
Eunhea You RN, PhD has over 20 years of experience in clinical nursing and nursing education. Dr. You has worked as a public health researcher at the Korea Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (KCDC). At the KCDC, she managed managed vaccines and antibiotics related to diseases from bioterrorism, such as Anthrax and Plague. In this role, Dr. You monitored a bioterrorism surveillance system and reported to the Korean National Intelligence Service.
Dr. You earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Kosin University and Master of Science in Nursing at Busan National University. She received a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Nursing. Her PhD thesis focused on auricular acupressure as an adjunct treatment in cancer patients with pain.
As the AACN-CDC Public Health Nursing Fellow, Dr. You will manage the design, distribution, and evaluation of project materials for the Immunization in Undergraduate Nursing (IRUN) Project. The goal of the project is to identify immunization curriculum gaps in undergraduate nursing education and provide information and resources to fill those gaps.