Entry-Level Domain 7 Competencies
7.1 Apply knowledge of systems to work effectively across the continuum of care.
7.1a Describe organizational structure, mission, vision, philosophy, and values.
7.1b Explain the relationships of macrosystems, mesosystems, and microsystems.
7.1c Differentiate between various healthcare delivery environments across the continuum of care.
7.1d Recognize internal and external system processes that impact care coordination and transition of care.
7.2 Incorporate consideration of cost-effectiveness of care.
7.2a Describe the financial and payment models of health care.
7.2b Recognize the impact of health disparities and social determinants of health on care outcomes.
7.2c Describe the impact of healthcare cost and payment models on the delivery, access, and quality of care.
7.2d Explain the relationship of policy, regulatory requirements, and economics on care outcomes.
7.2e Incorporate considerations of efficiency, value, and cost in providing care.
7.2f Identify the impact of differing system structures, leadership, and workforce needs on care outcomes.
7.3 Optimize system effectiveness through application of innovation and evidence-based practice.
7.3a Demonstrate a systematic approach for decision-making.
7.3b Use reported performance metrics to compare/monitor outcomes.
7.3c Participate in evaluating system effectiveness.
7.3d Recognize internal and external system processes and structures that perpetuate racism and other forms of discrimination within health care.