Jonas Nursing

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About Jonas Nursing

Jonas Nursing is an initiative of Jonas Philanthropies. Among its signature efforts is the Jonas Scholars program, which provides financial assistance, leadership development, and networking support to expand the pipeline of nursing faculty, researchers, and advanced practice nurses.

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Scholar Achievements

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Jonas Activities

Jonas Mentors

Jonas Mentors

Jonas Impact

Empowering over 1,400 doctoral nursing scholars across 157 universities in all 50 states with more than $27 million in scholarships since 2008

greyscale map of the US showing the number of Jonas Scholars per state


Current Scholars

Current Scholars

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Scholar Directory

Scholar Directory

Q&A with John Jonas & Lendri Purcell

Learn more from the Co-Presidents of Jonas Philanthropies.

Banner for the American Association of Colleges of Nursing's March-April syllabus. The image features a light blue background with a central white and navy text box. The text reads 'March-April Syllabus,' and includes the AACN logo. Abstract geometric shapes in blue and teal are placed around the text.

Read AACN's Syllabus

News & Announcements

Jonas Scholar Alumni Publish Editorial on Impact of the Jonas Scholars Program
November 29, 2024
Jonas Nursing and AACN are pleased to announce an editorial written by members of the Jonas Scholar Alumni Council, a group dedicated to fostering long-term connections among the nationwide Jonas Scholar alumni network. The editorial, published in the Journal of Professional Nursing, is titled “The impact of the Jonas Scholars Program on advancing nursing education, research, and practice.” Authors Zhanette Coffee, PhD, Nia Adimu-Ceja Josiah, DNP, and Tonychris Nnaka, PhD, explore the history, evolution, and impact of the Jonas Scholars Program, as well as its future contributions to the nursing profession.

Jonas Nursing and AACN Announce New Cohort of Doctoral Nursing Students Selected as Jonas Scholars
July 23, 2024
Jonas Nursing, a leading supporter of doctoral nursing education in the U.S., and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) are thrilled to announce the 2024-2026 cohort of Jonas Scholars, consisting of 63 promising doctoral students from 25 states. Through next-generation family leadership, the Jonas Scholars program continues to play a significant role in addressing the nation’s shortage of nursing faculty, a leading barrier to expanding student capacity in schools of nursing. Since its launch in 2006, this signature program of Jonas Philanthropies has invested more than $28 million in nearly 1,500 nurse scholars in all 50 states.

Jonas Nursing & AACN Announce a Call for Applications for the New Cohort of Doctoral Nursing Scholars
April 8, 2024
Jonas Nursing and AACN announce the launch of the eighth cohort of the Jonas Scholars program. Nursing schools seeking support for exceptional doctoral students with an interest in teaching after graduation are encouraged to apply for funding. Under next-generation family leadership, Jonas Nursing will bolster this initiative with a redesigned curriculum focused on preparing future nursing faculty leaders through four key pillars: mentoring, leadership development, policy, and teaching. 

Jonas Philanthropies and the Flynn Foundation Award Five Scholarships to Advance Oncology Nursing
August 19, 2023
Jonas Philanthropies and the Flynn Foundation are proud to announce the latest scholarship recipients to receive support through a joint scholarship program created to recognize doctoral nursing students seeking to improve health care for cancer patients. The scholarships represent the third cohort of Jonas-Flynn Oncology Nurse DNP Scholars program (“Jonas-Flynn Scholars”), made possible by a grant from the two organizations. To date, fourteen Jonas-Flynn scholarships totaling $380,000 in support have been awarded. 

Jonas Philanthropies Establishes New Home Base for its Nursing Division at AACN
January 19, 2023
Jonas Philanthropies, one of the nation’s leading sources of support for doctoral nursing education and other critical healthcare priorities, is pleased to announce the establishment of a new home base for its nursing programs at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) in Washington, DC. This strategic move will position Jonas Philanthropies to amplify its work to address inequities in health care and support nursing, including the development of a diverse cadre of nurse faculty, advanced practice registered nurses, and nurse leaders. 

DNPs of Color and Jonas Nursing and Veterans Healthcare Launch Pathway to Publication Mentorship Program
June 8, 2022
DNPs of Color (DOCs), an organization committed to increasing diversity in nursing practice through networking, mentorship and advocacy, and Jonas Philanthropies, a nonprofit addressing high-need healthcare issues and audiences through high impact solutions, are proud to announce the launch of DNPs of Color/Jonas Nursing and Veterans Healthcare (JNVH) Pathway to Publication (PTP) mentorship program. The program aims to increase the diversity of published nursing research and data available. 


“The Jonas Scholar program has catapulted my career and role as a leader, clinician, advocate, and educator at the national level.”

Joan Miravite, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, FAAN, FAANP
Jonas Scholar 2016-2018



“Having the exposure to different nurses across the country… made me a better nurse, a better scientist and a better person.”

Katherine Maki, PhD, APRN, NP-BC
Jonas Scholar 2016-2018



“The Jonas Scholars program provided me a fundamental foundation on which I could stand and expand my growth.”

Varsha Singh, DNP, APN, CT-CP, NEA-BC, FAHA
Jonas Scholar 2014 - 2016

Contact Noah Brown, Jonas Grant Manager, at or (202) 463-6930 ext. 201.
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