Dr. Lynda Benton
Dr. Benton was a great ally to the nursing profession and a strong supporter of academic nursing in her work as Johnson & Johnson’s Senior Director for Strategic Initiatives, Global Community Impact Division. She is a champion for innovation in nursing education and practice who has helped to expand the pipeline of under-represented groups into nursing and advance health equity. She was instrumental in helping to advance AACN's priorities in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion; well-being and resilience; and educational innovation. She played an important role in supporting several AACN-led initiatives, including the LAMP Culture and Climate Survey; teaching resources on leadership, resilience, and well-being for the online Essentials tool kit; and the development of the Trailblazing Innovation website focused on learnings from the documentary 5B. After 28 years with Johnson & Johnson, Dr. Benton is now enjoying a well-deserved retirement,