american association of colleges of nursing | the voice of academic nursing | Nursing Advancement Professionals (NAP) Conference | Transform. connect. learn. lead

Featured Speakers

Deborah Lee

Deborah Lee

Deborah Lee, PhD, ACNP-BC, FNP, CHSE, is a clinical assistant professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing where she teaches in the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AG-ACNP) program. Dr. Lee possesses a passion for educating acute and critical-care nurses and nurse practitioner (NP) students and has more than 25 years of experience as a critical-care nurse, NP, and faculty member. Dr. Lee maintains her advanced practice clinical skills as an acute care nurse practitioner in the medical intensive care units at Henry Ford Health in Detroit, Michigan.

As Director of the Clinical Learning Center, Dr. Lee continues to immerse herself in new technologies to design expansive learning experiences for medical and nursing students by developing collaborative agreements with industry partners including Epic Games, Microsoft, and GIGXR. Dr. Lee speaks internationally on the impact that artificial intelligence will have in healthcare.

David Reed

David Reed

Dr. David Reed is the Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives at the University of Florida and the founding Director of the university’s AI2 Center. Dr. Reed has been at the forefront of expanding AI education across the full breadth of the University of Florida. UF now has over 200 AI courses across its 16 colleges, and over 12,000 students per year taking AI courses. Reed is an authoritative voice in teaching AI Across the Curriculum.  Dr. Reed created the Artificial Intelligence Academic Initiative Center (AI2 Center) to support faculty interested in learning about AI and building out new AI courses. The Center also supports UF students who want to learn AI skills and move into AI-empowered jobs. Before leading UF in its artificial intelligence initiative, Dr. Reed was the PI of a genetics/genomics lab that was funded by the National Science Foundation for twenty years in the Florida Museum of Natural History.

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