GNSA Resources

GNSA Bulletin

The GNSA Bulletin is a monthly newsletter from AACN’s Graduate Nursing Student Academy (GNSA). The GNSA Bulletin includes an introduction from the Leadership Council focusing on issues of importance to graduate students, highlights an emerging student leader, explores potential funding opportunities, and includes information on upcoming events.

View Current and Past Issues

GNSA Mentoring

The GNSA mentoring program is a peer-to-peer mentoring opportunity for GNSA members. The mentoring offered will focus on key thematic areas which include academic excellence, leadership development, and educational planning. The application cycle for the program will take place late fall with mentoring relationships starting in early February for a minimum of 6 months.

Start Your Mentoring Journey

Transitioning from Clinical Nursing to Nursing Faculty Tool Kit 

The purpose of this tool kit is to:

  • Explore the concept of role change and the impact of role change, from clinician to faculty, on the individual.
  • To provide a theoretical framework for transitioning into a faculty role as described in the literature.
  • To describe the faculty positions available for the clinician and provide a roadmap for attaining that position.

This tool kit was prepared by Hilda Haynes-Lewis, Jonas Veteran Healthcare Scholar (2014-2016) and Triniece Pearson, Jonas Nurse Leader Scholar (2014-2016) for the Graduate Nursing Student Academy (GNSA). AACN has not officially endorsed the materials contained therein.

View Tool Kit

GNSA Community

CONNECT peer to peer with fellow GNSA members on hot topics, academic concerns, clinical triumphs, and any topic on your mind through GNSA CONNECT! Graduate studies are complex and your peers are here to support you! This interactive platform enables students to share knowledge and best practices, ask questions, connect with fellow students across the country, and form strategic alliances.

To access the GNSA Community, log in to your dashboard and find the community under the GNSA Student Center.

Considering Doctoral Education

Are you thinking about pursuing a doctoral degree in nursing and can’t decide between the PhD or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)? If so, consider the resources below to help you determine the right path for you.

Student Membership Opportunities

Interested in joining a specialty nursing organization? Below is a listing of all nursing organizations with graduate student membership opportunities.


For additional information about these resources, please contact:

Marta Okoniewski, MPA
Director of Student Engagement
202-463-6930 ext. 220