AACN Essentials

The Essentials

Welcome to the Essentials

Used to define quality in nursing education, the AACN Essentials outline the necessary curriculum content and expected competencies of graduates from baccalaureate, master’s, and Doctor of Nursing Practice programs.  AACN is dedicated to providing resources and support to facilitate this shift in nursing education. Whether you're an educator, student, or healthcare professional, explore this microsite to stay informed and engaged as we shape the future of nursing education together.

Start Your Journey Here

This video is an essential starting point for those new to The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. It provides a comprehensive overview of the Essentials website, guiding you through key resources and tools for implementing competency-based education (CBE). Watch now to take your first steps with confidence.


Essentials Tool Kit

Essentials Tool Kit

Guides & Talking Points

Guides & Talking Points

Webinars & Workshops

Webinars & Workshops

Download & Order Essentials

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Latest Updates & Resources

Leveraging Simulation in the Transition to Competency-Based Education

March 19, 2025
Back by popular demand, AACN will host a regional, simulation-focused workshop for faculty seeking effective approaches to meeting the 2021 Essentials and transitioning to competency-based education (CBE). On April 29 and 30, AACN will present Unlocking the Power of Simulation - Coach for Competency in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Faculty will explore how to adapt instructional strategies through experiential learning using various forms of simulation in the lab, classroom, and clinical setting. Participants will learn how to take their coaching and debriefing techniques to the next level using simulation. Program sessions include Simulation’s Role in CBE, Simulating Success: Scenario Development and Assessment, Coaching Conversations, The Art of Facilitation, Building a Resource Toolbox, and Creating a Learning Oasis: Psychological Safety and Engagement. Register now, space is limited.

Using AI to Facilitate Implementation of the AACN Essentials

March 12, 2025
As part of our popular series on implementing the Essentials, AACN is presenting a webinar on AI in Nursing Education and Bridging Innovation, Competency, and Practice on March 19 from 2-3pm ET. Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how we teach, learn, and practice nursing. This session will explore how AI aligns with Domain 8 of the 2021 Essentials, focusing on informatics and healthcare technologies, while also demonstrating its practical applications in curriculum design and clinical practice. Led by Dr. Stephen Ferrara from Columbia University, faculty will be introduced to AI-driven tools that enhance competency-based learning, clinical simulations, and decision support. The webinar will address ethical considerations and best practices for integrating AI responsibly into nursing curricula while maintaining humanistic and evidence-based teaching approaches. Register now. For details on dozens of additional webinars to help with Essentials implementation that are available on demand, click here.

Leveraging Simulation in the Transition to Competency-Based Education

March 5, 2025
Back by popular demand, AACN will host a regional, simulation-focused workshop for faculty seeking effective approaches to meeting the 2021 Essentials and transitioning to competency-based education (CBE). On April 29 and 30, AACN will present the Unlocking the Power of Simulation - Coach for Competency in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Faculty will explore how to adapt instructional strategies through experiential learning using various forms of simulation in the lab, classroom, and clinical setting. Participants will learn how to take their coaching and debriefing techniques to the next level using simulation. Program sessions include Simulation’s Role in CBE, Simulating Success: Scenario Development and Assessment, Coaching Conversations, Art of Facilitation, Building a Resource Toolbox, and Creating a Learning Oasis: Psychological Safety and Engagement. Register now—space is limited!

New Online Resource: Essentials Milestones & Success Metrics

February 26, 2025
AACN has developed a new web-based resource to showcase key moments in academic nursing’s journey to implement the 2021 AACN Essentials and transition to competency-based education. Top milestones are featured on the timeline, and grouped into four focus areas: Infrastructure, Engagement, Education, and Communication. Several success metrics are highlighted to illustrate progress to date and the high level of faculty engagement. This resource is available in two formats: as a video that can be watched from your computer or mobile device; and as an interactive timeline (Prezi) that allows you to explore specific areas of interest and dive deeper into individual milestones. We encourage you to visit this new webpage, which highlights nursing education's move toward transformation, identifies resources available to support your program’s redesign efforts, and celebrates our collective success.

AACN’s Scholarly Journal Seeks Manuscripts on Essentials Implementation

February 19, 2025
The Journal of Professional Nursing (JPN) is AACN’s peer-reviewed journal, which serves as the leading source for scholarly publications related to the 2021 AACN Essentials and the transition to competency-based nursing education. JPN is currently seeking manuscripts focused on how schools are moving to adapt their programs using the new model and framework outlined in the Essentials, including new approaches to teaching and learning assessment. To discuss your manuscript idea, contact editor Dr. Patricia Morton at Trish.Morton@utah.edu. For an updated list of Essentials-related articles published in JPN and other leading journals serving the academic nursing community, click here.

New Online Faculty Development Workshop Offered on Essentializing Your Curriculum

February 12, 2025
Expanding on our popular series of in-person workshops, AACN is introducing a virtual program for faculty seeking strategies, resources, and solutions for adapting their nursing programs to meet the Essentials. Titled Essentializing Your Curriculum: Moving Forward with Competency-Based Education (CBE), this workshop provides an introduction to CBE, in-depth training on curricular transition, and instruction on how to use AI to develop assessment rubrics based on progression indicators. Held March 4 and 7 from 12:00-4:00 pm (ET), the two-day event features instruction from AACN’s Essentials Coaches and experts with the Competency-Based Education Network (C-BEN). Participants will engage in pre-work prior to the workshop and collaborative learning through virtual breakout rooms to apply concepts and develop practical solutions. Click here to register. Seats are limited to allow for more personalized instruction.

New "Getting Started with the Essentials" Video and Web Resource Published

February 5, 2025
In late January, AACN released a new quick start guide for schools moving to implement the Essentials and competency-based education. This resource includes a "Getting Started" video outlining steps schools can take to accelerate the implementation process. In addition to the video, a new webpage identifies a four-step approach to curriculum redesign, including resources to help faculty navigate the process. The four steps include: Familiarize Yourself with the Essentials; Review Guides and Talking Points; Strategize Ways to Approach Implementation; and Engage with Peers and Practice Partners. Click here to access this guide.

Rounds with Leadership: Taking the Pulse on Essentials Implementation

January 29, 2025
When AACN member schools voted to endorse the Essentials in April 2021, academic nursing made the bold decision to transform how we prepare nurses for professional practice. This turning point in nursing education set in motion a wave of curricular innovation as faculty moved to actualize a new approach and framework for educating both entry-level and advanced-level nurses. 
As we approach the fourth anniversary of the Essentials vote, AACN recently conducted a member survey to assess how implementation efforts are proceeding and how findings compare to similar data collected in 2022. Last fall, deans from 391 schools completed the survey (44% response rate), representing a broad range of institutional types (large and small, public and private, rural and urban, etc.) from every region of the U.S. The previous survey from Fall 2022 was completed by 328 deans (38% response rate). Learn more about the survey results.

Share Your Learning Strategies via AACN’s Teaching Resource Database

January 29, 2024
To showcase innovative approaches to competency development aligned with the 2021 Essentials, AACN created a searchable Teaching Resource Database containing learning strategies, recommended content, and assessment options that faculty can use when adapting their programs. Faculty can search for content by Domain, competency, and sub-competency, which will help with locating the right resources to meet program needs. Faculty are encouraged to visit the database on a regular basis, as new resources are added following peer review. To submit your learning strategies, click here. For tips on using the Teaching Resource Database and adding your new content for consideration, watch this video featuring Dr. Kristin Ashford from the University of Kentucky. 

Discover How AI Can Foster Sustainable Curricular Change with the Essentials

January 22, 2025
As nursing education transitions to competency-based education (CBE), schools are adopting innovative approaches to better prepare the next generation of nurses. During Transform 2024’s closing conference session, Shaping the Future of Nursing: Integrating Competency-Based Education and AI to Implement the AACN Essentials, a panel of nurse educators discussed their schools’ success stories as they navigate curricular change. Discover new strategies for using AI to develop progression indicators, implement immersive experiential learning, and engage faculty and practice partners by watching the plenary on-demand now. Additional past conference sessions focused on CBE and the Essentials may be accessed here.

Essentials Implementation Spotlight: University of Nevada, Reno

January 15, 2025
The Orvis School of Nursing at the University of Nevada, Reno has embarked on an ambitious curriculum transformation to align with the Essentials. The undergraduate program launched its redesigned competency-based curriculum in Spring 2024, with full implementation expected by Spring 2025. The graduate programs, spanning MSN, MSN-to-DNP, and BSN-to-DNP tracks, adopted their revised curriculum in Fall 2022. Curriculum taskforces collaborated with stakeholders to establish practice-ready program outcomes tailored to real-world healthcare needs. Undergraduate and graduate courses were revised and strategically realigned to minimize content overlap and address gaps in clinical application. Two undergraduate gap analyses were conducted to evaluate the integration of domains, competencies, and sub-competencies throughout the curriculum. Faculty were supported with detailed competency maps and course module maps to ensure teaching and learning activities aligned with assessments, student learning outcomes, and module outcomes. Graduate practice tracks specifically incorporated National Task Force for Quality Nurse Practitioner Education standards. Click here to read more.
Schools wishing to showcase their implementation efforts are encouraged to send a brief update or video profiling their work to ashaffer@aacnnursing.org.

Essentials-Focused Program Sessions at the Upcoming Doctoral Conference

January 8, 2025
AACN is committed to offering sessions at all our national conferences focused on facilitating the transition to the 2021 Essentials and competency-based nursing education. At the AACN Doctoral Education Conference planned for January 16-18 in Coronado, California, two sessions will be held, including Coach for Competency, in which AACN Curricular Coach Mary Fey will outline a 6-step approach to "coaching conversations" in which educators partner with learners to assess performance and provide developmental coaching, and Selecting Critical Curricular Concepts to Support Competency Attainment, which will highlight the importance of establishing a shared vision for nurse practitioner educational preparation to promote professional integrity and ensure patient safety. To find out more about these sessions and to register for the conference, click here. To access more than two dozen Essentials-related conference sessions held at past AACN events, click here.

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